Rate Bitcoin SV 130,33 USD
Change (24h): 0,00%
Concept: Proof of Work
Tags: Cryptocurrency, Sha256, Proof Of Work, Mining
Calculator BSV / USD
How is 1 Bitcoin SV?
BSV | 0 USD | |
USD | 0 BSV |
- nChain
- Dr Craig S Wright
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Bitcoin SV - is a new coin splitted of Bitcoin Cash blockchain on 15 November 2018.Four fundamental pillars form the basis of Bitcoin SV’s roadmap to create the one blockchain for the world: stability, scalability, security, and safe instant transactions (a.k.a 0-confirmation).The Bitcoin SV project was created at the request of and sponsored by Antiguan-based CoinGeek Mining, with development work initiated by nChain. The project is also owned by the Antiguan-based bComm Association on behalf of the global BCH (SV) community, and the Bitcoin SV code is made available under the open source MIT license.