Rate Zcash 0,00270000 BTC
Change (24h): 0,00%
Started at: 28-10-2016, Concept: Proof of Work
Tags: Cryptocurrency, Proof Of Work, Equihash, Privacy & Security, Mining, Zero Knowledge (ZK), Made in USA
Calculator ZEC / BTC
How is 1 Zcash?
ZEC | 0 BTC | |
BTC | 0 ZEC |
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Do you know how buy Zcash?
Zcash is a decentralized and open-source cryptocurrency that provides strong privacy protections. Shielded transactions hide the sender, recipient, and value on the blockchain. If Bitcoin is like http for money, Zcash is https—a secure transport layer.For the first 4 years, Zcash's founders get 20% of the block rewards, effectively making 10% of total supply (2.1 million ZEC).
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